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来源:   发布日期:2019-03-15

报 告 人:刘云川
时 间:2019年3月16日上午9:30分
地 点:研究生楼608
   刘云川是美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校商学院(UIUC)终身教授,曾任伊利诺伊大学香槟分校市场营销主任,毕业于美国哥伦比亚大学,获市场营销学博士学位。刘教授是美国华人知名营销学者,是零售业,流通渠道,产品策略,和定价策略方面的专家,文章发表在《Marketing Science》和《Management Science》等顶级期刊上,并多次获得市场科学和管理科学期刊的评审奖。刘教授是一名优秀的教师,在MBA和博士生教学方面非常出色。他每年都名列伊利诺伊大学的优秀教师名单。2013年毕业的伊利诺伊大学MBA学生把他评选为年度教授最终候选人。刘教授是中国海外华人营销协会的联合创办人,每年组织中国市场营销国际年会,第七届年会暨中国创造展将在2019年7月22-25-22日在广州白云国际会议中心举行,预计3000人参会,包括500位海外教授和500家中国企业参展,将宣布"中国创造品牌500强”。他是海外华人会计、金融、管科、信管和营销五大协会的总协调人。另外,刘教授曾任美国中伊州华人协会主席,与美国企业界和政界有广泛的联系;刘教授也是伊利诺伊大学香槟分校商学院中国项目主任,正在推动伊利诺伊大学香槟分校和中国若干大学及企业界的合作项目,包括签署了UIUC和中科大合作协会以及正在进行的UIUC和浙江大学、同济大学的合作协议。刘教授致力于促进中外学术界和企业界的合作,帮助中国企业走向世界。刘教授积极参与了天下徽商亚太联盟的成立、正在设计和筹划天下徽商北美联盟在在美国的成立。
We consider a firm consisting of two divisions, one responsible for designing and manufacturing new products and the other responsible for remanufacturing operations. The firm may either directly sell to the consumers both new and remanufactured products (direct selling) or sell through an independent retailer (indirect selling). Our paper demonstrates that an internally decentralized firm with separate manufacturing and remanufacturing divisions can benefit from indirect selling with higher firm profit, supply chain profit, total consumer demand than direct selling. Moreover, this structure also induces a remanufacturable product design. In contrast, an internally centralized firm in which the manufacturing and remanufacturing divisions are consolidated is intuitively better off by choosing direct selling than indirect selling. Furthermore, we show that, when the focal firm sells through an independent retailer, a decentralized internal structure can result in higher supply chain profit than a centralized internal structure. We further investigate the case of dual dedicated channels and conclude that, while direct selling of remanufactured products and indirect selling of new products can better induce a remanufacturable product design and higher supply chain profit, it is not in the best interest of the firm in terms of total sales and firm profit.